Thursday, November 27, 2008

Physical Fitness Rehabilitation after Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack).

Acute Myocardial Infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, is a disease that occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is interrupted, causing death of heart tissue.

Rehabilitation after a heart attack is divided into two stages as follows:
1. Rehabilitation in hospital
2. Rehabilitation at home

Result of patient rehabilitation
1. Reduce the length in hospital.
2. Reduce the mental illness and anxiety.
3. Better quality of life for patients through improved heart and circulation efficiency

Rehabilitation in hospital
Organize the following activities for patients as soon as possible. Starting from little and increase the intensity by having the patient sit in the chair with high armrest and backrest. Leave the arms and legs down 1-2 hours each time, starting on the second or third day if there is no secondary attack or complication.

Patients should exercise with low energy, for example having meals themselves, changing clothes, washing their faces, brushing teeth, defecation in a bedside commode, exercise limb muscles to keep them in good condition i.e. flexibility of joint and muscle tone.

Dangerous symptoms patients should recognize while exercising :
- Paleness and feeling dizzy
- Sweating and shivering.
- Feeling faint
- Chest pain
- Sudden illness or fever

If these symptoms are experienced, patients should consult an exercise expert.

After leaving the CCU to the general ward, patients should do more exercise by sitting longer, getting up from bed, going to bathroom, self-wash with close monitor, limbs and body exercise. Patients should exercise with increased distance and speed to avoid complication arising from spending too long in bed. Before going home, patients should practice walking down the steps one floor.

Any such exercise should be appropriate according to the age, physical and medical condition of the patients.

Rehabilitation at home
The first day after leaving hospital patients should exercise the same as the last day at hospital and gradually increase if possible.
The best length for exercise is 10 minutes, after that walk with medium speed until feeling a little exhausted. Patients should not stop walking suddenly but continue walking slowly for 5-10 minutes. If possible, take the pulse and check out if the heart beat rate can increase 20-25 beats faster than when you were at rest.

Do and Don’t
Do not force out or hold breath while exercising, avoid clenching the fist and horizontal exercise. After leaving hospital, patients should make an appointment to see their doctor regularly.

Further information about Bangkok Hospital Phuket's Heart Center, please visit
www.PhuketHospital.comE-mail :