Self-care for patient fitted with double ports for dialysis (temporary type)
1. Keep the area around the ports clean, avoid the wound getting wet.
2. Patient fitted with double ports at thigh or groin should avoid movement that bend the leg that the ports are fitted to prevent tubes being folded or broken thereby causing blood to clot inside the tubes.
3. Patient fitted with double ports at neck should avoid placing plaster on them or wearing garment that presses on the tube end because this may cause the tube to fold or break, or blood clot in the tube.
4. In case the suture at both wings become frayed and loosen and the ports end slips off, cover the wound with clean cloth and go to the hospital immediately.
5. If there are pain, swelling, blood or puss seeping from area around the ports, or fever; visit doctor immediately.
Self-care for patient after arterial surgery AVF and AVG (permanent type)
A. Post surgery
1. During the first 3 days, the arm on which surgery is performed should be raised above level of the heart to prevent and reduce swelling.
2. Carry out hand-grip exercise by frequently squeezing on small rubber or tennis ball. This exercise can start immediately on the first day after
surgery if there is no severe pain at the wound.
3. Observe the area around the wound for any sign of excessive bleeding, or excessive swelling of the skin around the wound that may be caused
by bleeding under the skin.
4. Observe any symptom of ache, swelling, hot and red skin with high body temperature, as this may be indication of infection or inflammation in
area where surgery has been performed.
5. Avoid impact on the wound from surgery.
6. No blood pressure measurement, not blood sample taken, no injection, no blood transfusion or intravenous saline injection on the arm which surgery has been performed.
B. During period when dialysis is performed
1. Patient should not wear wristwatch or bracelet, or garment that is tight around the arm. Patient should not lie down with head on the arm used for
dialysis or use the arm to carry heavy object.
2. The arm used in dialysis should be washed with soap once a day then lotion applied to prevent the skin getting dried or cracked.
3. Check by probing with finger tips the artery/vein at least once a day. If no pulse is sensed or very faint, visit the doctor immediately.
4. Do not scratch the skin near the artery-vein fitted with ports for dialysis.
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