Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Benefit of VASER Liposelection

VASER Liposelection for greater skin retraction and to redefine the body lines with precision.

The VASER is an ultrasound assisted device for body contouring to help produce smooth, soft and painless liposuction. It has increased the quality of liposuction, diminished recovery time and post-op discomfort and pain.

The VASER emits ultrasound energy that which gently emulsifies the targeted body fat after the fatty tissue has been led to tumescence status with a large infiltration of solution containing local anaesthetic and adrenaline to reduce blood-loss. Undermined tissues retract as a result of the cavitation phenomenon connected with ultrasound waves. These emulsify fat, thus sparing elastic fibres and connective tissue. The exposed elastic fibres, denuded of the surrounding fat, tend to

Another explanation comes from the internal stimulation by contact with tissue, which as an internal “trauma” or “burn” sustains a secondary retraction.

Titanium probes : In the wet-fat VASER, by utilizing solid titanium probes—as small as standard liposuction cannulas, 2.2mm, 2.9mm and 3.7mm diameter—fat is gently emulsified,
sparing the vessels, connective tissue and elastic fibers that normally support the skin and nerves, which, of course, provide sensation. So it is able to accomplish
both the criteria required in body shaping—reduce mass and volume, and redrape skin to achieve a better-shaped body and a smooth contour.

Long, unnecessary scars and a prolonged recovery time can be avoided with the VASER. Post-op bruising is minimal. The procedure is absolutely soft and painless, as just a cream of the melting fat is produced and than extracted with the VentX aspiration system.

For pre-consultation via email or more details: info@PhuketHospital.com