Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Dengue virus, transmitted to human by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, causes dengue fever, mostly found during the rainy season.

Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
1. Febrile stage – This stage starts with the onset of high fever, which lasts 2-7 days. Symptoms in this period cannot yet indicate Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.
2. Critical stage – This is the severest stage. Patients may perform vomiting, abdominal pain, liver swelling, restlessness, cold extremities, fatigue, bleeding of skin, tissues or internal organs, skin rash and have lymph leaking outside of blood vessels, causing haemoconcentration. Patients will have to be closely observed.
3. Recovery stage – Patients will recover and gain more appetite and urination. There will also be itchier rash on skin. Plasma will slowly increase and will become normal within 7 days. Blood conditions have to be monitored for another 7 days.

Pre-hospital Care - when children have fever during the dengue fever epidemic
1. Be careful when using antipyretic, some types can lead to more serious symptoms during the critical stage.
2. Drink fruit juice or ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt) when having nausea and vomiting.
3. Observe your children closely and see the doctors if the signs of dengue fever suspected.
4. Avoid eating or drinking food with red, brown, or black color to observe bleeding in gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention and control of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
1. Get rid of the breeding sites for mosquitoes, e.g. household water containers both inside and outside the houses, jars, buckets, toilets, vases, standing water containers, discarded tyres, lotus tubs, etc.
2. Sleep in the room with mosquito nets or aluminium nets to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, especially during the daytime.
3. Use mosquito repellent, which is suitable for children
4. Wash up well to dispose of sweat odour, which attracts mosquitoes.
5. Get rid of mosquitoes by using chemicals, electrical traps, or other insecticide equipments.

Because of your health is precious, Bangkok Hospital Phuket, we provide the PCR (Polymerase Chain Recreation) Test for an accurate Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever diagnosis. Therefore, the doctor can perform proper treatments.

Further information please contact