Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Breast augmentation

Surgical Procedure :
Therer are 2 methods of the incision, at breast fold and under armpits. You can make the decision after consulting with the plastic-surgeon.

Duration of Operation : around 1 hour.

Anesthetic : General anesthesia that renders the patient unconscious.

Types of Implants :
All breast implants utilize a silicone shell but contain different kinds of filler, gel or saline. The outer silicone shell may be smooth shiny and polished, or a slightly rough texture.

Placement of Implants :
There are two techniques for placing implants.
1. The implants are placed under the breast tissue and over the chest muscle.
2. The implants are placed under the chest muscle and breast tissue.
These two options should be thoroughly discussed between the patient and the surgeon.

Pre Operative Assessment for Size and Placement of the Implant :
- Our goal is to augment your breasts to a size in better proportion to your physique and maintain a natural look.
- The size and placement of the implant we choose will depend on many factors, such as your original cup size, your desired cup size, and your physique including chest muscle.
- If you have only a small amount of breast tissue and want to enhance the tissue much as possible, it is recommended that a large implant is placed below the muscle in order to prevent the feeling or appearance of the implant. There is also less chance of capsular contracture.
- If you have large chest muscles as a result of exercising, the implant should be placed above the muscles in order to allow for comfortable movement and a natural look.
- For patients with mild to moderate breast sagging, larger implants placed over the muscle is recommended. The larger the implant, the greater and more favorable the augmentation.

Post Operative Care :
- For at least 3 – 5 days upon surgery, try to keep arm extension to a minimum.
- After removing the dressing, you may be required to wear a support bra to help your breasts form and maintain a pleasing and balanced shape.
- You will probably be able to resume exercise and normal physical activities within a month or two when soreness has subsided.
- You will need to massage the breast to prevent capsular contraction of the breast.

Risks and Complications :
Capsular contracture occurs if the capsules around the implants begin to tighten and thicken. This will cause the breasts to feel hard and appear unnatural. Hard breasts can be treated in several ways. Sometimes removal of the capsule is required, or perhaps the implant needs to be replaced. Bleeding is usually minimal during the operation. In an unusual case, bleeding after surgery may cause a large blood clot that needs to be removed. Infection is an uncommon risk. However, if a breast becomes infected, the implant must be removed immediately. You need to wait for several months before repeating the operation.

Recovery and After Care Treatment :
- Afterwards, the patient is free to bathe as usual.
- The patient is requested to gently move the implants upward, downward, and inward in order to decrease the chances of capsule contracture.
- Only gentle massaging is recommended. Overly aggressive manipulation of the implant or strong squeezing can possibly cause an inflammation, thus producing an adverse effect on the capsules.
- During the first month following surgery, you should exercise your implants three to four times per for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, if breast contour improve satisfactorily, you will need to exercise only once or twice daily.

Results :
Breast augmentation increases breast size and may also balance your body proportions. Clothes may fit better, and you may also experience an increase in confidence and self- esteem.

For further information about the Aesthetic Center, please visit or

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