Saturday, May 24, 2008


Osteoporosis is a condition that features loss of bone mass or the normal density of bone as well as deteriorates bone micro architecture. As a result, bone becomes fragile and prone to fracture.

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

- Menopausal women or older age.

- Family history of osteoporosis or osteoporosis- related fracture such as in mother or siblings.

- Thin and small body frames.

- Low diet in calcium-rich foods.

- High diet in protein and in salt.

- Lack of exercise.

- Excessive alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking or regular consumption of more than 2 cups

of coffee.

- Long-term use of certain medications such as corticosteroids, anticonvulsant and thyroid


- Chronic illness.

Osteoporosis—The Silent Threat

The osteoporosis condition can progress silently without any symptoms until a bone fracture. When fractures occur, it can cause height loss of more than one cm per year, muscle emaciation, spine malformations such as a stooped or hunched posture or severe back pain, which can sometimes appear and disappear spontaneously. Fifty percent of patients suffering a hip fracture result in deaths. Another fifty percent experiences long-term disability. Therefore, patients are not being aware of their osteoporosis until they start to suffer some deformities.

Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis

- Consume a healthy and well-balanced diet.

- Consume a balanced diet with adequate calcium.

- Exercise regularly.

- Avoid risk factors that increase your likelihood of developing the disease.

- Prevent fall among elderly people that can result in fractures.

- If you are at high risk of developing the disease, consult your physician for recommendations.

- Take medications that slow or stop bone loss and breakdown under physician supervision.

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